
Vintage: Native Americans Dressed in European Attire (early 20th Century)

Vintage: Native Americans Dressed in European Attire (early 20th Century)

Forced assimilation is a process of forced cultural assimilation of religious or ethnic minority groups, into an established and generally larger community. This presumes a loss of many characteristics which make the minority different. The Native Americans suffered both ethnic and religious assimilation. The assimilation process took place between the years 1790 and 1920. George Washington and Henry Knox were…
Daniel Coburn: Becoming a Specter

Daniel Coburn: Becoming a Specter

Some photographs faithfully record the world in front of them. Others bend the objects presented to the camera through the mind’s lens, transforming them beyond surface appearances. This latter approach reveals the surrealism already present within the real, confronting us directly with the ambiguities we too often deny. Daniel Coburn’s Becoming a Specter, on view at Elizabeth Houston Gallery from…
Vintage: Glass negatives by Frederick Danvers Power (1898 – 1926)

Vintage: Glass negatives by Frederick Danvers Power (1898 – 1926)

Frederick Danvers Power (1861-1955 ) was born in England and educated at Malvern College, the Royal School of Mines, London, and the Mining Academy, Clausthal in Germany. In 1884 he migrated to Australia where he settled, initially in Melbourne, pursuing his mining engineering career. He worked as an analyst at Bethanga and was General Manager of Great Cobar Mines. Interested…
Judy Dater: Only Human

Judy Dater: Only Human

Spanning five decades of the artist’s work, Judy Dater: Only Human is the first exhibition in over twenty years to explore the career of Bay Area photographer Judy Dater. This exhibition will provide a survey of Dater’s work, celebrating her achievement as a pioneering figure in 1970s feminist art and her subsequent creative evolution. Living most of her life in…
Biography: 19th Century Pioneer German Women photographer Emilie Bieber

Biography: 19th Century Pioneer German Women photographer Emilie Bieber

Emilie Bieber (1810–1884) was a pioneering German photographer who opened a studio in Hamburg as early as 1852. On 16 September 1852, Bieber opened a daguerrotype studio at 26, Großen Bäckerstraße in Hamburg at a time when photography was practiced almost exclusively by men. As a result, she was one of the very first women to become a professional photographer…
Alice Springs (June Newton): Portraits

Alice Springs (June Newton): Portraits

In June’s Room, on the occasion of the 95th birthday of June Newton, who worked under the name Alice Springs, are around 30 portraits, some previously unseen, from the foundation’s collection. In the context of the Sozzani collection, they are mainly of artists, photographers, and fashion designers. Alice Springs started working in the 1970s on her own photographic oeuvre, which…
Steven Arnold: Revelations

Steven Arnold: Revelations

Espacio Mínimo gallery, as it did with other past exhibitions such as Tom of Finland or James Bidgood in previous seasons, puts its attention on this occasion in another of the most important, and at the same time most forgotten, references of the queer culture of the last decades of the last century, STEVEN ARNOLD. One of the most unique…
Daidō Moriyama: SCENE

Daidō Moriyama: SCENE

Daido Moriyama is recognised as one of the few living modern masters of photography from Japan and is certainly the most celebrated photographer to emerge from the Japanese Provoke movement of the 1960s. Hamiltons presents Daido Moriyama: SCENE, an exhibition of photographs selected by gallery owner Tim Jefferies from Moriyama’s extensive oeuvre and produced exclusively for Hamiltons as silkscreens on…
Vintage: Mugshots of Prisoners (1900s)

Vintage: Mugshots of Prisoners (1900s)

“Some years ago I discovered a cache of glass negative mug shots taken in the early 20th century; each negative was inscribed with the man’s name and alleged crime. In order to research the life of each man pictured in the 500 negatives, I spent the next three years traveling back and forth from New York to the small Northern…
Stefan Moses: Artists / Künstler

Stefan Moses: Artists / Künstler

A man disappears. He turns his face to the camera, holding a mask in front of his mouth, thus removing his person from reality. Only the dark eyes remain, a high forehead with grey hair, wrinkled hands showing traces of age. The rest has evolved – at least for the short moment of a photograph; for the “elusive moment”, in…
Hommage à Willy Ronis

Hommage à Willy Ronis

This exhibition presents a selection of Willy Ronis’s work. For Ronis photography is not an end in itself but a means of expressing his experience of the social realities around him. Hommage à Willy Ronis June 6th – July 13th, 2018 Galerie ARGENTIC 43 Rue Daubenton, 75005 Paris, France www.argentic.fr
Biography: 19th Century photographer of Snowflakes – Wilson Bentley

Biography: 19th Century photographer of Snowflakes – Wilson Bentley

Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley (1865 – 1931) is one of the first known photographers of snowflakes. He perfected a process of catching flakes on black velvet in such a way that their images could be captured before they either melted or sublimated. He first became interested in snow crystals as a teenager on his family farm. He tried to draw what…
Jacques-Henri Lartigue: C’est chic!

Jacques-Henri Lartigue: C’est chic!

“In 1998, I asked Paul Smith, to write a small introduction to our very first exhibition of Jacques Henri Lartigue. He very kindly agreed. It was a seminal moment for the gallery as we were showing my favorite 20th century artist and his work was affirmed by a man who I had such huge respect for and whose style was…
Margaret Bourke-White: Different World

Margaret Bourke-White: Different World

This exhibition examines the work that trailblazing photographer, Margaret Bourke-White, produced abroad. Drawing on the Cornell Fine Arts Museum’s collection of Bourke-White’s photographs taken in Russia and augmented by loans of her photojournalism conducted during World War II and beyond, the exhibition explores Bourke-White’s groundbreaking subject matter. Beyond her work in Europe, this exhibition will include Bourke-White’s rarely-seen photographs taken…
So Beautiful at In Focus Galerie

So Beautiful at In Focus Galerie

In focus Gallery presents a thematically exhibition from the Gallery’s collection, as a tribute to the beauty of women. “so beautiful” will take the viewer on a journey from 1940 up to today to discover exceptional works of art photography that focus on the beauty of women. The exhibition “so beautiful” takes the liberty to focus on beauty and aesthetics…
Vintage: Sydney during the 1900 Bubonic Plague

Vintage: Sydney during the 1900 Bubonic Plague

When bubonic plague struck Sydney in 1900, George McCredie was appointed by the Government to take charge of all quarantine activities in the Sydney area, beginning work on March 23, 1900. At the time of his appointment, McCredie was an architect and consulting engineer with offices in the Mutual Life of New York Building in Martin Place. McCredie’s appointment was…
The Early Years, Ansel Adams and Edward Weston

The Early Years, Ansel Adams and Edward Weston

Scott Nichols Gallery is pleased to present some expected and some unexpected photographs by Ansel Adams and Edward Weston “from the vault.” We’ve dug deep into the archive to find some great surprises to accompany such classics as Clearing Winter Storm and the Dunes at Oceano. Ansel Adams and Edward Weston The Early Years May 3rd – Jul 7th, 2018…
Vivian Maier: Revealed: Selections from the Archives

Vivian Maier: Revealed: Selections from the Archives

The exhibition features a selection of over 30 black and white photographs by American street photographer Vivian Maier (February 1, 1926 – April 21, 2009). It is the first exhibition of Maier’s photography in Westchester County. Unknown during her lifetime, Maier worked as a full-time nanny while pursuing her photography consistently over five decades. Her black and white photographs-mostly from…
Vintage: Portraits of American Ladies by Mathew Brady (1863)

Vintage: Portraits of American Ladies by Mathew Brady (1863)

During the Civil War, Mathew Brady and his associates traveled throughout the eastern part of the country, capturing the effects of the War through photographs of people, towns, and battlefields. Additionally, Brady kept studios in Washington, DC and New York City, where many influential politicians and war heroes sat for portraits. Brady photographed many subjects in the time of the…
Black Resistance: Ernest C. Withers and the Civil Rights Movement

Black Resistance: Ernest C. Withers and the Civil Rights Movement

Beginning in the 1950s, Ernest Withers (1922-2007) photographed Black resistance in Memphis – from pickets and sit-ins to court room scenes. Among his most famous images are those documenting the 1968 sanitation workers’ strike and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Although earlier protests are included, this exhibition focuses on and commemorates the 50th anniversary of the events…