Meghna Shirish Iyer: Nine

Meghna Shirish Iyer: Nine

The idea of documenting ‘Birth’ existed in my mind for over a year. The ‘why’ of this project is the apparent ignorance and the subsequent fascination that comes with it. The fact that I haven’t seen a childbirth in person…
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Elliott Erwitt: Cuba

Elliott Erwitt: Cuba

In 1964, while on assignment for Newsweek magazine, photojournalist Elliott Erwitt spent a week in Cuba as a guest of Fidel Castro. There, he captured now-iconic photographs of the beloved Cuban president along with the revolutionary leader Che Guevara. Over…
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Jock Sturges: Absence of Shame 2.0

Jock Sturges: Absence of Shame 2.0

The project was first opened in the beginning of September 2016. It consists of photographs which depict naturist families from France, North California, and Ireland, with whom Sturges has been communicating. The author photographed them throughout the duration of his…
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Fred Lyon: San Francisco Noir

Fred Lyon: San Francisco Noir

Following in the footsteps of classic films like The Maltese Falcon and The Lady from Shanghai, veteran photographer Fred Lyon creates images of San Francisco in high contrast with a sense of mystery. In this latest offering from the photographer…
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Marc Boily: Iona Collection

Marc Boily: Iona Collection

IONA Beach park is an exquisite piece of land located right next to the Airport in Vancouver BC Canada. It has dazzling landscape and because the lower mainland area is already crowded with majestic beaches right in the heart of…
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Tomasz Gudzowaty: Keiko

Tomasz Gudzowaty: Keiko

Polish photographer Tomasz Gudzowaty (born 1971) documents the lives of ship scrappers in Chittagong, the second-largest city in Bangladesh, where nearly 40 percent of the 700 ocean-going ships taken out of service every year are scrapped. Gudzowaty’s photographs, executed on…
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Zanele Muholi

Zanele Muholi

Comprising two bodies of work, Brave Beauties, on show in New York for the first time, and Somnyama Ngonyama (‘Hail, the Dark Lioness’), the exhibition brings together two integral elements within Muholi’s practice: intimate studies of queer life in her…
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Tim Carpenter – Local Objects

Tim Carpenter – Local Objects

Borrowing its title from the Wallace Stevens poem in which “little existed for him but the few things / for which a fresh name always occurred,” Local Objects presents a beautiful yet remarkably unassuming body of work by Brooklyn/central Illinois–based…
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Giorgio Bormida: Selected Works

Giorgio Bormida: Selected Works

In Giorgio Bormida’s works, the photographic approach fades in favour of an extremely poetic use of the image, which somehow recalls painting, as it leads the viewer’s eye right to the heart of a complex imagination, densely embedded with suggestions…
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Marc Hom: Profiles

Marc Hom: Profiles

“My new book, Profiles, is a collection of portraits taken over the last six to eight years, including exceptional profiles of creatives in the arts and cinema, plus meaningful images of family and friends. The images originate from editorial assignments…
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