Photo Projects

Urim Hong: City Soleil: a melody of hope

Urim Hong: City Soleil: a melody of hope

City Soleil is a small village within the Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Unlike its name–City of the Sun–however, it seems as though there is only a glimpse of light remaining. The city has become poor as its history of rebellion and conflict extorted its economic power. What is more, because the people were not able to have proper drainage system, their…
Alain Schroeder: Kim City

Alain Schroeder: Kim City

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) remains one of the most isolated and secretive nations in the world. Since its creation in 1948, the country has been ruled by three generations of the Kim dynasty currently under the control of his grandson, Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un. It is a self-reliant socialist society based on an extreme interpretation of the…
Hugo Santarem Rodrigues: Interior

Hugo Santarem Rodrigues: Interior

My name is Hugo Santarem Rodrigues, and in 2016 I took a global ancestry DNA test to know my origins. From the result of this test, I decided to travel to the interior of the countries where my ancestors came from. I have been to Kenia and Ethiopia so far. Deep down, the base of the project is to respect…
Sampa Guha Majumdar: Childhood

Sampa Guha Majumdar: Childhood

The children of the picture are staying beside this garbage and use this area for open toilet. Cows are moving freely there. These animals are also eating plastic waste. Children are very familiar with the pungent smell around everywhere. They are growing in this horrible environment. The stagnant water is very dirty and can spread all water-borne diseases. Cows are…
Karina Bikbulatova: The two parallel

Karina Bikbulatova: The two parallel

This black-and-white series of photos ‘about two sisters abandoned by their father, a reunion which can be no question. Just because they don’t know about each other the most important thing…’ They meet once a year in a small village, – communicate, play, weave braids to each other, but don’t know that they are sisters. Gulshat lives in a poor…
Bryce Morrison: Heavenly Bodies

Bryce Morrison: Heavenly Bodies

Heavenly Bodies – the nudes, is a selection from a larger body of work. Throughout the series, each model is told to display themselves in front of the camera in the way they would like to be represented. Due to the lack of posing the images are raw portraits of individuals who are being captured simply as they are. Bryce…
Elisabetta Gatti: Migration

Elisabetta Gatti: Migration

By the end of November, Milan Central Railroad Station becomes the meeting point for starlings preparing to migrate. But the show lasts just a couple of days, and you have to be ready. The first sign is when you start seeing some coming here from the parks of the town. At the beginning, they are just small groups, but in…
Patrick Desgraupes: Unveiled Memories

Patrick Desgraupes: Unveiled Memories

Sometimes Time seems to freeze. A deep sense of harmony and “déjà vu” can fill us. The impression of being inhabited by a sudden level of consciousness. Silence fills the space and becomes palpable. But silence, perhaps, is only the resonance of forgotten memories, and the veil, a manifestation of the persistence of this vision. Patrick Desgraupes is a French…
Hampus Danielsson: Sweet Dreams

Hampus Danielsson: Sweet Dreams

What is a nightmare? Paralyzed by fear in the middle of the night, what is the culprit? Trauma, poor health, lousy self care, a malfunction of the amygdala (the part of your brain responsible for controlling anger and fear) or something much more ominous? Are these bumps in the night the product of Rapid Eye Movement, or a visit from…
Matthew Tuffield: Shapes of Architecture

Matthew Tuffield: Shapes of Architecture

Exploring Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne recently on my holidays with my camera and trusty tripod, enabled me to capture, with long exposure techniques, the most amazing and unique architectural designs Australia has to offer. The shapes, textures and design elements, mixed with perfect weather, helped me to create some of the beautiful long-exposure fine art photographs in this collection. The…
Veselin Atanasov: The busy train station

Veselin Atanasov: The busy train station

The busy train station of the Bangladesh capital, Dhaka, in early January just before Istema 2018 when people from all over the world coming to join on festival. At this festival coming so many people that the arriving trains are crowded and many passengers travel on the roofs of the trains and there is a great bustle at the station.…
Vincent de WILDE d’ESTMAEL: Ads and Street Art in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Vincent de WILDE d’ESTMAEL: Ads and Street Art in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

This series of photographs taken on the streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, explore the unintentional interaction between the people caught in their daily activities and modern advertising boards or street art. Behind the humour of some situations, they point at social inequalities. The photographs emphasise the high contrast between modern and traditional life, Western and Asian perspectives, luxury and simplicity,…
Marina Kazakova: The poetics of childhood

Marina Kazakova: The poetics of childhood

The concept of the series is expressed in a mental journey through intimate visions of private life showing how often stories that worth to be told are very close to us. The poetics of childhood: boundless sensuality, confidence and a huge need for love, perhaps more than in any other period of life. Marina Kazakova was born in Soviet Union…
Mohammad Rakibul Hasan: Salt

Mohammad Rakibul Hasan: Salt

Global warming seems to have more severe impact on certain countries than others because of the way it affects the world climate. An immediate effect of global warming is the increased natural disasters like storm surge and flood, while sea level rise is a slow, yet inevitable process. Bangladesh, the largest delta of the world is an obvious victim of…
Murat Yazar: Shadows of Kurdistan

Murat Yazar: Shadows of Kurdistan

I was born and raised in a village near the city of Urfa. For us, Kurdish was the language used for communicating, until I went to school. The beginning of my education marked a point that changed my primary language from the language we spoke at home and in my community to the language we spoke in school. It was…
Birgit Neiser: Oman desert

Birgit Neiser: Oman desert

The Sultanate of Oman is one of the driest countries in the world. These may be very harsh conditions, but at the same time it therefore is host to some of the most spectacular deserts in the world. The Empty Quarter and the Wahiba Sands deserts are the best known. Travelling in the desert when you sometimes don´t see any…
Manuela Thames: Trauma

Manuela Thames: Trauma

This self-portrait series aims to explore the themes of brokenness, the struggles of loss and grief, the regrets of past decisions and my personal experiences with generational trauma and mental health struggles. I was raised in Germany by parents who were born in the 1930s and both experienced significant trauma as children and young adults due to World War II.…
Frank Loddenkemper: Rheinkniebrücke

Frank Loddenkemper: Rheinkniebrücke

The Rhine bridges in Düsseldorf are an integral part of the skyline. One of them is the “Kniebrücke” from the 60s. It is a steel cable-stayed bridge whose access ramps were built of concrete. I photographed the bridge laterally in its entirety, as well as from below with its curved driveways. In this way of viewing the lines are particularly…
Fabrizio Quagliuso: ARITMIA

Fabrizio Quagliuso: ARITMIA

Aritmia is story about a dream and about a journey. The story has a main character: Mia. Floating in her dreams so as to overcome the boundaries of her mind, intimately entangled with nature, its heartbeat and the forces that shape and permeate life, Mia is an ethereal figure on a lone journey in search of her true and primordial…
Timothy Huyck: Powwow – Men’s Dance

Timothy Huyck: Powwow – Men’s Dance

There is tremendous movement and energy in American Indian dance. The men’s dances often tell the story of a battle or a hunt. Timothy Scott Huyck was born in Inglewood, California and spent his early childhood there. A few years after the family moved to San Pedro, California, Huyck discovered photography in high school. He quickly made up his mind…