
Vintage: El Helicoide Construction (1950s)

Vintage: El Helicoide Construction (1950s)

El Helicoide is built on a hill in Roca Tarpeya between the parishes of San Pedro and San Agustín, in the extension of the avenues Armed Forces, President Medina Angarita, and Nueva Granada. It has the shape of a three-sided pyramid with curved points formed by elevated paved roads intended for vehicle traffic and parking around an enclosed central area.…
Sally Mann: Remembered Light & Landscapes

Sally Mann: Remembered Light & Landscapes

Jackson Fine Art is honored to celebrate the final stop of Sally Mann’s celebrated retrospective, A Thousand Crossings, at the High Museum with a concurrent exhibition of Mann’s 2016 series Remembered Light, as well as select southern landscapes spanning the artist’s remarkable career. It is fitting that A Thousand Crossings, which was curated for the National Gallery by Sarah Greenough…
Vintage: Portraits of Dolores Costello – Silent Movie Star

Vintage: Portraits of Dolores Costello – Silent Movie Star

Dolores Costello (1903 – 1979) was an American film actress who achieved her greatest success during the era of silent movies. She had a younger sister, Helene, and the two made their first film appearances in the years 1909–1915 as child actresses for the Vitagraph Film Company. The two sisters appeared on Broadway together as chorines and their success resulted…
Manuela Thames: Trauma

Manuela Thames: Trauma

This self-portrait series aims to explore the themes of brokenness, the struggles of loss and grief, the regrets of past decisions and my personal experiences with generational trauma and mental health struggles. I was raised in Germany by parents who were born in the 1930s and both experienced significant trauma as children and young adults due to World War II.…
Vintage: Portraits of James Cagney

Vintage: Portraits of James Cagney

James Cagney (1899 – 1986) was an American actor and dancer, both on stage and in film. Known for his consistently energetic performances, distinctive vocal style, and deadpan comic timing, he won acclaim and major awards for a wide variety of performances. He is remembered by some for playing multifaceted tough guys in films such as The Public Enemy (1931),…
Frank Loddenkemper: Rheinkniebrücke

Frank Loddenkemper: Rheinkniebrücke

The Rhine bridges in Düsseldorf are an integral part of the skyline. One of them is the “Kniebrücke” from the 60s. It is a steel cable-stayed bridge whose access ramps were built of concrete. I photographed the bridge laterally in its entirety, as well as from below with its curved driveways. In this way of viewing the lines are particularly…
Vintage: Fiat Rooftop Test Track in Turin (1920s)

Vintage: Fiat Rooftop Test Track in Turin (1920s)

The Lingotto building in Turin, Italy, once housed a Fiat factory. Construction started in 1916 and the building opened in 1923. The design (by young architect Matté Trucco) was unusual in that it had five floors, with raw materials going in at the ground floor, and cars built on a line that went up through the building. Finished cars emerged…
Fabrizio Quagliuso: ARITMIA

Fabrizio Quagliuso: ARITMIA

Aritmia is story about a dream and about a journey. The story has a main character: Mia. Floating in her dreams so as to overcome the boundaries of her mind, intimately entangled with nature, its heartbeat and the forces that shape and permeate life, Mia is an ethereal figure on a lone journey in search of her true and primordial…
Timothy Huyck: Powwow – Men’s Dance

Timothy Huyck: Powwow – Men’s Dance

There is tremendous movement and energy in American Indian dance. The men’s dances often tell the story of a battle or a hunt. Timothy Scott Huyck was born in Inglewood, California and spent his early childhood there. A few years after the family moved to San Pedro, California, Huyck discovered photography in high school. He quickly made up his mind…
Ole Brodersen: Flow

Ole Brodersen: Flow

Ole Brodersen‘s work explores the landscape and the natural forces that animate it. He is attempting to show something beyond the appearances; the experience of the observer in the landscape. Ole is trying to capture the feeling of being present in the landscape, by making images that are, to an extent, a direct imprint of the environment in motion. This…
Vintage: New York’s original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel (1903)

Vintage: New York’s original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel (1903)

The original Waldorf-Astoria was among America’s first big hotels. When it was built during the Victorian era, and for years thereafter, it was considered the finest hotel in the world — and it soon became the most famous, for its reputation was carried wherever civilization had spread, and even where only explorers had gone. The roster of its clientele has…
Eric d Vries: 20 Years of Photographing Cambodia

Eric d Vries: 20 Years of Photographing Cambodia

20 years of photographing everything Cambodia from the people, the cities, the countryside to the temples. First time I arrive in Phnom Penh, the capital, was in March 2000 during a 3-months trip to SE-Asia. The plan was to stay only a week because I didn’t know the situation back then. I stayed more than 3 weeks that year and…
Larry Towell: Vintage Prints

Larry Towell: Vintage Prints

This survey exhibition highlights Larry Towell’s impressive 40-year career in photography and includes a selection of his earliest prints made of some of his best-known images, as well as previously unseen works. His archive of vintage prints includes rare photographs from his student days at York University in Toronto, where some of the themes he continues to investigate were first…
Vintage: America by Jack Delano (1940s)

Vintage: America by Jack Delano (1940s)

After graduating from the PAFA, Delano proposed a photographic project to the Federal Art Project: a study of mining conditions in the Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania anthracite coal area. Delano sent sample pictures to Roy Stryker and applied for a job at the Farm Security Administration Photography program FSA. Through the help of Edwin Rosskam and Marion Post Wolcott, Stryker offered…
Eve Arnold: All about women

Eve Arnold: All about women

Exhibition entirely dedicated to Eve Arnold’s portraits of women will take place at Casa-Museo Villa Bassi, in the heart of Abano Terme. Her first Italian retrospective is curated by Marco Minuz. Eve Arnold All about women May 17 – December 8, 2019 Museo Civico Villa Bassi Rathgeb Via Appia Monterosso, 52 35031 Abano Terme (PD) http://www.museovillabassiabano.it
Vintage: Shropshire Shop Fronts by Joseph Lewis della-Porta (1888)

Vintage: Shropshire Shop Fronts by Joseph Lewis della-Porta (1888)

Joseph (Lewis) Della Porta was from a family of shopkeepers. His father, also called Joseph, was an immigrant from Northern Italy. He settled in Shrewsbury in about 1848 and established a small shop on Princess Street. The business prospered and expanded into adjoining shops including Lloyds Mansion, the Tudor building which stood on the corner of the Square. The store…
Josephine Sacabo: Moments of Being

Josephine Sacabo: Moments of Being

”What would such an inexperienced soul do without the solution that a body had been” – Clarice Lispector Snapshots of the life within. Echoes of thoughts and feelings expressed in the only terms I really understand which are those of light and shadow and the softening of edges. The things expressed have already happened. Here they are remembered tenderly, in…
Vintage: Portraits of Pola Negri – Silent Movie Star

Vintage: Portraits of Pola Negri – Silent Movie Star

Pola Negri (1897 – 1987) was a Polish stage and film actress who achieved worldwide fame during the silent and golden eras of Hollywood and European film for her tragedienne and femme fatale roles. Raised in the Congress Kingdom of Poland, Negri’s childhood was marked by several personal hardships: After her father was sent to Siberia, she was raised by…
Brigitte Carnochan: Emily’s Garden

Brigitte Carnochan: Emily’s Garden

My first photographs were of flowers and I suspect my last will be as well. I have been drawn to gardens and to flowers, their exotic geometry and sensuous rigor, as long as I can remember. It is a rare day that there are no fresh flowers on my breakfast table. I share these feelings with Emily Dickinson, also a…
Vintage: Hollywood actress Ella Raines (1940s)

Vintage: Hollywood actress Ella Raines (1940s)

Ella Raines (1920 – 1988) was an American film and television actress. Ella Raines studied drama at the University of Washington and was appearing in a play there when she was seen by director Howard Hawks. She became the first actress signed to the new production company he had formed with the actor Charles Boyer, B-H Productions, and made her…