Vera Lutter in Gagosian Gallery

Vera Lutter in Gagosian Gallery

Gagosian New York is pleased to present recent photographs by Vera Lutter. Inspired by New York’s light, architecture, and perpetual state of flux, Lutter turned to photography in the early 1990s as a means to record the continuously changing cityscape.…
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Kajsa Gullberg: UNRAVELLED

Kajsa Gullberg: UNRAVELLED

In Unravelled, Kajsa Gullberg looks at the marks that life makes on us – both the physical and the psychological. Gullberg combines images of women bearing scars on their bodies with those of the natural world – hinting at both…
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Martin Bogren – Tractor Boys

Martin Bogren – Tractor Boys

Youngsters meet up on the village outskirts, racing their tractorcars, burning tyremarks into the warm summer asphalt. The smell of rubber, oil and souped-up engines fills the air when the engines speed. The cars form into a circle as the…
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