When Theodore Roosevelt became president of the U.S. in 1901 America’s society and economy were changing rapidly, and with his energy and visionary leadership he set the maturing nation on the path to prosperous growth and diplomatic influence that would last throughout the 20th Century. By the time he left office in March 1909, Roosevelt also had changed forever the influence and scope of the presidency.
Towards the end of his life, Roosevelt was a major voice for military preparedness. He died at the age of 60 on January 6, 1919, at his home, Sagamore Hill, in Oyster Bay, New York. Criticized as a militarist, egotist, and political opportunist, Roosevelt’s greatness has been debated, but his importance in American history is as obvious as his face on Mount Rushmore. Much of what he achieved affects Americans everyday and his name and personality have become icons for what America stands for at its best.

Seated, left to right, are Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt, Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, Grace Stackpole Lockwood Roosevelt, Richard Derby, Jr., Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, Edith Roosevelt Derby Williams, and Ethel Carow Roosevelt Derby. Richard Derby Jr. is holding a service flag with three stars. The stars symbolize three of Roosevelt’s sons, Quentin, Archie, and Theodore Jr., who served the United States in battle.

President Roosevelt holds one of his grandchildren on his porch. Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York, ca. 1911-1919.

President Theodore Roosevelt Standing on the Stern of the Naval Cutter, USS Algonquin, in Charleston, South Carolina, 1902.

President Theodore Roosevelt Greeting Dignitaries on the USS Algonquin, Charleston, South Carolina. April 8, 1902.

Theodore Roosevelt and other members of the presidential party, at the ruins of Fort Dorchester, a tabby fort constructed in 1757 for munitions storage. The figures in the foreground, left to right, are George B. Cortelyou, Presidential Cabinet Secretary, and James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. In the background, left to right, are an unidentified Navy lieutenant, an unidentified man, President Theodore Roosevelt, and Edith Carow Roosevelt. Old Dorchester, Dorchester County, South Carolina. April 9, 1902.

President Theodore Roosevelt shaking hands with Clinton B. Sears, president of the Mississippi River Commission, on the steamboat the USS Mississippi. October 4, 1907.

President Roosevelt on horseback, preparing to survey the battlefield on which the Battle of Chickamauga took place. Chickamauga, Walker County, Georgia. November 13, 1902.

President Theodore Roosevelt on the deck of the USS Mississippi, approaching Memphis, Tennessee. On October 4, 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt made a speech in Memphis on the development of the waterways.

On April 7, 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt delivered a speech at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas.

President Theodore Roosevelt with several local politicians, receiving the troops at Fort Sam Houston, in San Antonio Texas. The man in the right of the photograph has been tentatively identified as being William Loeb, Jr., Secretary to the President. The obscured figure seated directly behind Roosevelt is that of Major General Samuel S. Sumner. April 7, 1905.

President Theodore Roosevelt shaking hands with a locomotive engineer for the Colorado and Southern Railway. Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas. April 1905.

President Theodore Roosevelt posing in the cab of his locomotive, while campaigning for re-election, ca. May 1903. During 1903, Theodore Roosevelt went on an eight-week tour of the Western United States, visiting 25 states, and covering 14,000 miles.

President Theodore Roosevelt receiving a pair of spurs from Francis Warren, United States Senator for Wyoming at the Cheyenne Public Building, which served as courthouse for the District of Wyoming. Presidential Secretary, William Loeb, Jr., is seen immediately behind Senator Warren. President Roosevelt was also given a horse and saddle while in Cheyenne. June 1, 1903.

President Theodore Roosevelt delivering a speech in Bellows Falls, Vermont. September 1, 1902. In the Summer of 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt delivered speeches while on a tour through New England.

On August 26, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt delivered a speech from a railcar in Biddeford, Maine.

Colonel Theodore Roosevelt greeting soldiers soon deploying to France at Sagamore Hill, ca. 1917-1918.

Former President Theodore Roosevelt delivering a speech from a train, Burlington, New Jersey. April 24, 1912.

On April 21, 1915, President Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech at Sagamore in Oyster Bay on the Duty of Every American to help support Liberty Bonds.
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