Panama Canal

Vintage: Panama Canal (1914-1915)

Vintage: Panama Canal (1914-1915)

The Canal was begun working on by France in 1881, but after that was taken over by the United States in 1904, and opened on August 15, 1914. It is considered as one of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken. These are photos of an early crossing of the Panama Canal. The ship is the S. S.…
Vintage: Panama Canal Construction (1904-1914)

Vintage: Panama Canal Construction (1904-1914)

By the late nineteenth century, technological advances and commercial pressure allowed construction to begin in earnest. An initial attempt by France to build a sea-level canal failed after a great deal of excavation. This enabled the United States to complete the present canal in 1913 and open it to shipping the following year. The state of Panama was created with…