Who am I? What will I be? Why am I here? Where am I going? / In the language of an actor, to know is synonymous with to feel. / What is important to me is not the truth outside myself, but the truth within myself. / The person you are is a thousand times more interesting than the best actor you could ever hope to be. / Never allow yourself externally to portray anything that you have not inwardly experienced and which is not even interesting to you. / Put life into the imagined circumstances and actions until you have completely satisfied your sense of truth and until you have awakened a sense of faith in the reality of your own sensations. / The main factor in any form of creativeness is the life of a human spirit, that of the actor and his part, their joint feelings and subconscious creation. / Every person who is really an artist desires to create inside of himself another, deeper, more interesting life than the one that actually surrounds him. / When we are on stage, we are in the here and now. / Fear your admirers! Learn in time to hear, understand, and love the cruel truth about yourselves! [Konstantin Sergeevič Stanislavskij]
Marco Castelli lives and works in Firenze, Italy. Both his personal and documentary research move through a deep interest in human environment and life, looking for different approaches to visual art and creative communication.
His works have been awarded, published and displayed internationally.
Website: www.marco-castelli.com

Alfred-Hitchcock from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Arnold-Schwarzenegger from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Charlie-Chaplin from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Gian-Maria-Volonte from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Humphrey-Bogar from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Jack-Nicholson from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Malcolm-McDowell from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Marcello-Mastroianni from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Michelangelo-Antonioni from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Robert-De-Niro from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Robert-Redford from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Roberto-Benigni from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Stanley-Kubrick from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli

Sylvester-Stallone from the series Me, myself and nobody – The Stanislavskij Situation by Marco Castelli