Biography: pictorial photographer Emma Justine Farnsworth

Biography: pictorial photographer Emma Justine Farnsworth

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025

Emma J. Farnsworth (1860-1952) was an American photographer from Albany, New York. Farnsworth had training in the arts. After receiving her first camera in 1890, her photographs were displayed at the World’s Columbian Exposition (1893). Before the end of the decade, she had been awarded almost 30 medals at various exhibitions in the world. Her work was also displayed at the Paris Exposition (1900). Her specialty was genre and figure studies; most of her photographs were of figures. children and animals. She was a member of The Camera Club of New York.

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

© Emma Justine Farnsworth

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025