Not all clubs at women’s colleges in North Carolina were highly formal organizations. Many were formed to connect students with similar interests, to connect students from the same state, or purely in pursuit of fun.
Dramatic Club, Baptist Female University, 1904
Georgia Crackers, Salem College, 1907
Maryland Club, Salem College, 1907
Midnight Slippers, Salem College, 1907
Modern Priscillas, Salem College, 1907
Virginia Club, Salem College, 1907
The Grinders, Chowan College, 1911
Chafing Dish Club, Baptist Female University, 1904
Red Headed Brigade, Baptist Female University, 1904
Sigma Phi Sigma, Baptist Female University, 1904
The Sand Fiddlers, Baptist Female University, 1904
The Round Dozen, Littleton College, 1906
via North Carolina Digital Heritage Center