Oskar Jarén was born in Kasper Borg Frinnaryd in 1877 and died in his hometown in 1954. In 1960s all of his 2,000 glass plates were rescued from oblivion with the help of Frinnaryds photoclub. This collection documents daily life in Sweden from between the 1910s and 1920s.

Photo, from about 1915-20, was taken in the property Sanna Frinnaryds station community. There, Anders Johan Satisfaction (b. 1862, left in the photo) started a shoemaking around 1900. Pictured on the right is son Ernst Satisfaction (b. 1890), who was also a shoemaker.

Photo from around 1925. Ebba Gustafsson (b. 1903) pats laundry and youngest sister Elin (b. 1918) stands next to it.

Skinnberedning at Frinnaryds tannery. In this photo from Frinnaryd tannery (started 1890), here are tanners KA Lundberg (1853 – 1935) and his son Eric (b. 1886).

The woman at the sewing machine is Emelie Castensson (born 1854), who married with a slipper-maker Johan Andersson. The couple lived here when the picture was taken in Vagnsvik, Frinnaryd.

Hilma Gustafsson heckle flax at the cabin end. She represents one of favorite environments. From there are many lovingly and painstakingly rendered images that describes key elements of the work on a farm like that a hundred years ago.

The picture is taken in Härje City at Stjärneborg, Lommaryds parish, ca. 1915. The cottage was a so-called double cabin for two families.

In this photo, at the back of the sledge is Elin Larsson Tingersten (b. 1902) from Arla in Frinnaryd and her younger sister Svea (b. 1909). The girls were daughters of Crown hunters Larsson.