After the Expedition of the Thousand led by Giuseppe Garibaldi, which culminated in the controversial Siege of Gaeta, Naples became part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861 as part of the Italian unification, ending the era of Bourbon rule. The kingdom of the Two Sicilies had been wealthy, and as many as 443.2 million ducats were taken from the old kingdom’s banks as a contribution to the new Italian treasury. The economy of the area formerly known as the Two Sicilies collapsed, leading to an unprecedented wave of emigration, with an estimated 4 million people emigrating from the Naples area between 1876 and 1913.

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of Naples, Italy in 19th Century