London was the world’s largest city from about 1831 to 1925. London’s overcrowded conditions led to cholera epidemics, claiming 14,000 lives in 1848, and 6,000 in 1866. Rising traffic congestion led to the creation of the world’s first local urban rail network. The Metropolitan Board of Works oversaw infrastructure expansion in the capital and some of the surrounding counties; it was abolished in 1889 when the London County Council was created out of those areas of the counties surrounding the capital.

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century

Historic B&W photos of London, England in 19th Century