Hesse-Nassau was created as a consequence of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 by combining the previously independent Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel), the Duchy of Nassau, the Free City of Frankfurt, areas gained from the Kingdom of Bavaria, and areas gained from the Grand Duchy of Hesse (including part of the former Landgraviate of Hesse-Homburg from Hesse-Darmstadt). These regions were combined to form the province Hesse-Nassau in 1868 with its capital in Kassel and redivided into two administrative regions: Kassel and Wiesbaden. The largest part of the province surrounded the province of Upper Hesse in the Grand Duchy of Hesse (People’s State of Hesse from 1918).

General view, Cassel (i.e, Kassel), Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Friedrich-William Platz, Cassel (i.e., Kassel), Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

General view, Dillenburg, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Ems-Les Bains (i.e., Bad Ems), Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Limburg (i.e., Limburg an der Lahn), Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Nassau, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

General view, Weilburg, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Wetzler and Kalsmut, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Kurhaus, Wiesbaden, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Kochbrunnen, Wiesbaden, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Neroberg, Wiesbaden, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Sonnenberg, Wiesbaden, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)

Eppstein, Hesse-Nassau, Germany (1890s)