From 1868 to 1946 Hanover was the capital of the Prussian Province. For Hanover’s industry, however, the new connection with Prussia meant an improvement in business. The introduction of free trade promoted economic growth, and led to the recovery of the Gründerzeit (founders’ era). Between 1871 and 1912 Hanover’s population grew from 87,600 to 313,400. In 1872 the first horse railway was inaugurated, and from 1893 an electric tram was installed. In 1887 Hanover’s Emile Berliner invented the record and the gramophone.

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s

Vintage: historic photos of Hanover, Germany circa 1890s