Eli Reed: A Long Walk Home presents the first career retrospective of Reed’s work. Consisting of over 250 images that span the full range of his subjects and his evolution as a photographer, the photographs are a visual summation of the human condition. They include examples of Reed’s early work; a broad selection of images of people from New York to California that constitutes a brilliant collective portrait of the social, cultural, and economic experiences of Americans in our time; images of life and conflict in Africa, the Middle East, Haiti, Central America, England, Spain, South America, and China; portraits of women and Hollywood actors; and self-portraits. Reed’s artist statement and an introduction by Paul Theroux, whom Reed met while working in Africa, complete the volume.
Eli Reed
A Long Walk Home
Publisher: University of Texas Press (May 15, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-0292748576
Hardcover: 352 pages
Order the book: Amazon

USA. Eau Claire, South Carolina. 1999. Lee Bolton, former director of Hold Out the Lifeline and a member of Shalom Community of Eau Claire, in the parking lot of Zesto’s, a popular restaurant in town.

USA. Eau Claire-North Columbia, South Carolina. 1999. Rhett Anders, Eau Claire Community Council president and real estate agent in front of a historic property.

USA. Perth Amboy, New Jersey. 2000. Eighteen-year-old Elyzabeth Vasquez and her 22-year-old husband, Ruben Vasquez, along the waterfront on a Sunday afternoon. They were both born in Perth Amboy.

USA. Perth Amboy, New Jersey. 2000. During a Continental Soccer League game at Rudyk Park, Marco Meneses kisses his daughter, Melanie, who is 1 year and 8 months old. Games happen every weekend at the park.

USA. Perth Amboy, New Jersey. 2000. Henry Hammond, who has a security company and designs women’s clothing, with two of his models, Novita (left) and Tasha (right).