Interview with Keivan Cadinouche

Interview with Keivan Cadinouche

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025

Keivan Cadinouche is an internationally acclaimed photographer known for his exclusive use of analog black and white photography. His distinctive style, characterized by the beauty of
natural light, has been recognizable in his images for over 20 years.
At a time when digital manipulation is ubiquitous, Keivan’s choice to meticulously develop his films by hand gives his images a unique charm and timeless quality. This extraordinary
approach has contributed to its well-deserved fame both in Mauritius and internationally. Keivan has explored a variety of destinations including Mauritius, Reunion, Zanzibar, Seychelles, Madagascar, Rodrigues and India. His lens captures the breathtaking beauty of these places while delving into the rich tapestry of human stories he encountered along the way.
Keivan offers a new and profound interpretation of the world through his monochrome approach using analog black and white photography. His images invite viewers to explore the interplay between stunning natural landscapes and the captivating people who inhabit these remarkable destinations. They create a powerful visual dialogue that transcends traditional boundaries.

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

How and when did you become interested in photography?

I’ve always been interested in images, and therefore in photography. However, it remained more of a vacation and free-time hobby. After a career in advertising as a creative for 20
years, I felt that at a certain point, this profession no longer gave me as much satisfaction, and that I’d come to the end of the road. So, 8 years ago, I decided to give up my career and
do what really made sense to me: be a professional photographer. But only in black and white film. The challenge was huge, as digital had taken over. But I persisted, and today I make a living from my art.

Is there an artist/photographer who has inspired your art?

Many artists and photographers have inspired me. I particularly appreciate the French humanist school: Cartier-Bresson, Boubat, Doisneau… But also Sebastião Salgado, Pierrot Men, Steve McCurry, Robert Capa…

Why do you work in black and white rather than color?

I’m a purist and a fan of black and white; I work exclusively in monochrome argentic and I own a studio and a darkroom where I control my entire production chain. This requires a lot
of perseverance, especially given that on my island it’s impossible to find equipment, as everything has been digital for several years now. Black and white appeals to me because it
emphasizes the subject rather than the colors, and confers a sense of timelessness that captures the viewer’s attention. We play with light and shadow, which is also the basis of
photography. All the greatest photographers have tried their hand at this.

How much preparation do you put into taking a photo/series of photographs?

I take my time to photograph, which is a luxury in this day and age. Some of my cameras have no batteries, which means I have to concentrate as much as possible on each shot (depth of field, aperture, light, etc.). I work exclusively in manual mode, with no integrated computer. My practice is based on fundamental photography, in which in-depth knowledge is essential. As I work on film, my shots are limited. With film, you can’t immediately see what you’ve captured… The “delete” button doesn’t exist. I travel a lot to take my photographs, and sometimes I don’t discover the results for several weeks. That’s what makes argentic photography so fascinating: this element of randomness, and it’s one of the few areas of contemporary photography where the human factor remains essential. I don’t prepare my shots; I like to photograph on the spot. I rarely take studio or posed photos.

Where is your photography going? What projects would you like to work on?

I’m a monochrome purist and I’m trying to perpetuate this art form despite the advent of AI. I’ll continue this approach as long as Kodak and Ilford continue to make film. The day they stop, I’ll stop. I’d like to continue traveling and photographing people in their everyday lives, without make-up or artifice. I hope that one day, my work will be exhibited in the great galleries of New York, Paris, London…


© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

© Keivan Cadinouche

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025