Blanca Berlín opens its season introducing Luz de cuarto oscuro (Dark room light) by Juan Manuel Castro Prieto in the context of Apertura Madrid Gallery Weekend. As the 2016 National Award of Photography, Castro Prieto displays a selection of silver gelatin prints personally developed in his own dark room from the original negatives of his first years as a photographer.
Extract from La voz interior (The inner voice) by Publio López Mondéjar:
Nothing is superfluous in Castro Prieto’s work. Far away from any sign of elitist capriche and vanity, he certainly is a master of the photography field. Technique is as a second skin to him, something confered to the photographer, in the same way bravery is confered to the soldier. Enthusiastic about perfectionism at work, he feels a deep lack of solidarity about those who dismiss the technique, the profession.
Despite having made use of colour mediums or digital techniques, he has not abandon the original soul that his photographs have hold since the beginning.
Those first works are the ones to be shown for the first time in this exhibition.
Juan Manuel Castro Prieto
The inner voice
September 15th – November 5th, 2016
Blanca Berlín Galeria
Calle Limón, 28
Madrid, Madrid