Interview with Christian Zieg

Interview with Christian Zieg

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025

– How and when did you get interested in photography?

My interest started by the love for nature. I wanted to conserve my impressions and since I never considered painting to be something I was capable of, I started to get to know my fathers camera. This happened in the late nineties.

– Is there any artist/photographer who inspired your art?

At first Art Wolfe was my big hero. His way to show nature made me want to do as he does. Later I got inspired by the works of scandinavian photographers such as Anders Geidemark and Jan Töve. The photographers who brought me closer to black and white are Michael Kenna and Michael Levin. But also Alexander Schönberg, who in my opinion is a photographer who brings black and white cityscapes to a higher level.

– Why do you work in black and white rather than colour?

I always was fascinated by minimalism. Black and white brings me closer to that way of expressing the essentials of the subjects I see than color. To me colors often draw the attention away from the subject itself. Color photography of course is still interesting to me. But my fascination comes with the minimalism that is reached through the voice that lies within lines and structure.

– How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph/series of photographs?

The least I do for preparation is to check the weather for the days in which I find time to go out to do my photography. I mostly hope for either quiet overcast skies or those which are structured through moving clouds. The rest is mostly „take what comes around“.
I very much am into long exposure photography, so I take ND and GND filters with me. I usually cary lenses from 17mm up to 300mm. I always want to be prepared for the unexpected. Post processing usually is about contrast, darks and lights. Not much more.

– Where is your photography going? What projects would you like to accomplish?

I hope my photography will be going to undefined horizons. I am still exploring all the possibilities which ly within my thoughts, my camera and my surroundings. I definately want to accomplish projects which combine nature and humans in an art way. This could be nudes in nature, architecture within landscape. I really am hoping that too much planning on projects will not limit my freedom to react on sponatnious ideas.


© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

© Christian Zieg

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025