Interview with Carl Battreall

Interview with Carl Battreall

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025

How and when did you become interested in photography?

My interest in photography began as a teenager. My high school photography teacher encouraged me to pursue photography as a career. After graduation I started working at a commercial photography studio. I have been working in the photography industry ever since, thirty years!

Is there any artist/photographer who inspired your art?

When I was in my early twenties, I was highly influenced by Brett Weston and Aaron Siskind. I enjoy viewing the work of Nick Brandt, Sebastião Salgado and Edward Burtynsky. Honestly, I do not follow photographers or the art scene. I am not on social media. I am primarily inspired by nature and our humanity.

Why do you work in black and white rather than colour?

I prefer the abstract, graphic elements of black and white photography. The lack of color helps separate the image from reality, which for me, is what makes a photograph more mysterious, more intriguing.

How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph/series of photographs?

I am a minimalist and my process is quite simple. I use one camera (a monochrome digital camera), one prime lens and I only make one, fine art print that is for sale. I take my craft very seriously. I treat my digital camera like a view camera, I almost always use a tripod and focus stack most images so I can achieve the depth of field I want.
I take very few photographs, I may spend an entire day looking, but never take my camera out of its bag. I find the process of looking, exploring with the eye as important, if not more important, then actually taking photographs. When I do find a subject, I do my best to make the finest image possible.
The print is when a photograph comes alive. If you do not print your work, then it is incomplete. I print ever image I make, if it does not make a beautiful print, it is deleted.

Where is your photography going? What projects would you like to accomplish?

I have been labelled as a project photographer for most of my career. Currently, I have been trying to step away from large projects and just photograph what I want, no matter what the subject is. I am however, starting see a project forming, from the body of work I have been creating lately. I guess projects are just the way I work.


© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

© Carl Battreall

MonoVisions Black & White Photo Contest 2025